Hibernating Butterflies

Hibernating Butterflies

Some species of butterflies hibernate in logs or underneath loose bark on trees and spend the entire winter here. Illinois species, such as Mourning Cloaks, even overwinter as adults. They can sometimes be seen during warm spells in January or...
Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel can be seen on the Green Bay Trail in Glencoe. Its branches were once used to search and find underground sources of water and minerals.


Monarch caterpillars rule all the realm they can see. And they can see a lot, because they have 12 eyes! On each side of their head, they have 6 tiny eyelets, called stemmata, arranged in a semi-circle.
Divorce Isn’t Optional

Divorce Isn’t Optional

A female praying mantis makes a bad spouse. They behead and eat their husbands as part of their mating ritual.
A Path Oft Traveled

A Path Oft Traveled

Traffic on the Green Bay Trail was heavy—tons heavy—even 12,000 ago. It is believed that Woolly Mammoths used the trail for migration during the Ice Age.
Go North Young Postman

Go North Young Postman

Before Grubhub and Domino’s, the earlies deliveries on the Green Bay Trail were done by the Post Office. In the beginning of the 1800s the trail was used as a delivery route between Fort Dearborn in Chicago and Fort Howard in Green Bay,...
Body Heat

Body Heat

The cold-blooded fact about Monarchs is that they are cold-blooded, which means they cannot regulate their own body temperatures. If the air temperature falls below 55ºF, butterflies are unable to flee from predators or feed. Butterflies fly with ease when air...
Spanning History

Spanning History

Prehistoric dragonflies were awesome. Their wing spans could be as large as 2-1/2 feet.
Weird Science

Weird Science

Yuck! Monarchs taste with their feet.  They use their eyes to find flowers and their antennas to smell nectar.

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