Seed cleaning preparations for winter planting

Takiff Center 999 Green Bay Rd, Glencoe, IL, United States

Join us for cleaning seeds collected at trail restoration days. Cleaned seeds will be disbursed this winter to increase Trail blooms next spring and summer. All the materials will be provided. Meet in Room 4 at the Takiff Center from 9-11.

Seed cleaning preparations for winter planting

Takiff Center 999 Green Bay Rd, Glencoe, IL, United States

Join us for  cleaning seeds collected at  trail restoration days. Cleaned seeds  will be disbursed this winter to increase Trail blooms next spring and summer. All the materials will be provided. Meet in Room 4 at the Takiff Center from 9-11.

Event Series Trail Seed Cleaning

Trail Seed Cleaning – NEW DATE/TIME/LOCATION

Takiff Center 999 Green Bay Rd, Glencoe, IL, United States

Shake Rattle and Roll with the Friends DATE CHANGED FROM 11/11 to 11/18 TIME CHANGED TO 9-11 AM AT THE TAKIFF CENTER Join the Friends to sort, clean and separate seeds gathered from the trail’s native plants. The sorting process includes shaking, rattling and the occasional use of golf balls in containers to release seeds […]

Event Series Trail Seed Cleaning

Trail Seed Cleaning

Shake Rattle and Roll with the Friends Saturday, 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM Takiff Center Join the Friends to sort, clean and separate seeds gathered from the trail’s native plants. The sorting process includes shaking, rattling and the occasional use of golf balls in containers to release seeds from dried seed heads. Cleaned seeds will […]

Event Series Trail Seed Cleaning

Trail Restoration Day / Seed Cleaning

Takiff Center 999 Green Bay Rd, Glencoe, IL, United States

Shake Rattle and Roll with the Friends Saturday, 9:00 to 11:00 AM Location: Takiff Center for the October 14th event. Due to inclement weather forecasted for Oct. 14, Trail Restoration Day has merged with Seed Cleaning Day.  We will meet at the Takiff Center from 9-11 am.  Join the Friends to sort, clean and separate […]

Fall Bird Walk

Takiff Center 999 Green Bay Rd, Glencoe, IL, United States

Fall bird migration has begun! Join Tim Joyce of Wild Birds Unlimited to identify migrating and regional birds on a walk along the Green Bay Trail north of Maple Hill. Following the walk, learn how to prepare your yard to support birds passing through and those that will overwinter locally. Dress for the weather and […]

Urban Ecology of Coyotes POSTPONED! DATE TBD

Takiff Center 999 Green Bay Rd, Glencoe, IL, United States

Chicagoland’s coyotes are the most studied population of North American coyotes. Nagin Almassi, Naturalist with the Forest Preserves of Cook County,  will make sense of recent. Nagin will share highlights of the research of wildlife biologists working in the Forest Preserves through the Urban Coyote Research Project. Almassi will discuss urban coyote behavior and ecology, […]

Incredible Bats

Takiff Center 999 Green Bay Rd, Glencoe, IL, United States

FREE! See live Egyptian fruit and African Straw-colored fruit bats. Bats are considered keystone species and a vital part of natural wildlife. They are essential pollinators, a natural pest control service that minimizes insect borne diseases and are a key indicator of environmental health. The bats will also be accompanied by a de-scented skunk and […]

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