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On the Green Bay Trail, Hallowe’en 2022
Guillemette Johnston
Beside the Green Bay Trail
Guillemette Johnston
Family Moment on the Trail
Debbie Weiner
Blazing Down the Trail
Debbie Weiner
October Tapestry
Debbie Weiner
Merry October
Debbie Weiner
Not a bird, not a plane! A COVID mask
Myrnice Ravitch
View through a Spider web
Myrnice Ravitch
A walk on the path.
Mark Spoerl
Burning bush berries in winter
Diana Horvath
Foxtail barley in the sun
Diana Horvath
The autumn is a great time to run in the greenbay trail
Charles Wang
New Discoveries
Eliana Hayes
Light Tunnel
Amalie Drury
Glencoe Windmill
Damian Olesnycky
Bird Friend
Alma Ludwig
Pit Stop
Christopher Dean Hayes
Bees Knees
Christopher Dean Hayes
High Noon
Christopher Dean Hayes
Sunsets on the Trail
Alma Ludwig
Fall Upon the Trail
Alma Ludwig
Night Grazing
Alma Ludwig
Soaking in the Sun
Alma Ludwig
Puddle Jumper
Alma Ludwig
Monarch on the Trail
Alma Ludwig
Kid on a hike
Christopher Dean Hayes
Pair of monarchs
Alma Ludwig
Christopher Dean Hayes
Autumn Making a Spectacle!
Carol Strickley
Autumn Canopy
Carol Strickley
Autumn Afternoon
Carol Strickley
Peeking Autumn Sun
Carol Strickley
Shining Through
Katharine Frey
Afternoon Bliss
Katharine Frey
Serene Beauty
Katharine Frey
Twilight Magic
Katharine Frey
Night Train
Katharine Frey
Hopping Along
Katharine Frey
Flower Dancer
Katharine Frey
Adventures with Lola
Katharine Frey
Cyclist at Pine St.
John Berwanger
Red Thistle
John Berwanger
Mallard (during a wet Spring)
John Berwanger
Beautiful Bugs
Betsy Leibson
Looking to the future
Betsy Leibson
He’s still at it!
Betsy Leibson
Imitating sunshine
Joan Henderson
Joan Henderson
Lovely touch
Joan Henderson
Hungry Chipmunk
John Berwanger
Bee on Bee Balm
John Berwanger
How do we keep this feeling
Sue Fishbein
Friday afternoon
Laura Shindler
Friday afternoon
Laura Shindler
Movement and Color
Tamara Rubio
Fall Perspective
Tamara Rubio
Prairie Smoke
John Berwanger
Locust Borer on Ragweed
John Berwanger
Quietly Drawn by Trees
Steve Perry
Mom and Daughter ride
Suzi Wahl
Trailside Terror
Suzanne Wahl
Deer along the GB Trail, morning of Trail Day
Bryan Lammers
Summer Snowflake
Jennie Soudan
Sunrise Trail
Jennie Soudan
Wings of Hope
Jennie Soudan
Thirsty Bee
Jennie Soudan
Sue Fishbein
Sunning in the shade
Leanne Atwell
Miriam Rutz
Sue Fishbein
Illuminated tunnel of trees
John Beard
Flowers in fall light
John Beard
wonderful time in the trail
Charles Wang
sunflowers by the green bay trail
Charles Wang
flower in sunset time
Charles Wang
Endangered species
Everett Stambor
hair of the dog
izabela r
losing track of time
izabela r
spa day
izabela r
Marty Mc
izabela r
polar express
izabela r
oh nuts
izabela r
bee o’clock
izabela r
charlotte’s rainy day
izabela r
Eileen Hutchinson
Praying Mantes in action (hubba hubba)
Ann Reilly
All yellow on the GBT including the lights on the train tracks!
Bill Hague
a fiery skipper on a maximilian sunflower on the Green Bay trail
Josh Graff
Photo frame
Phyllis Nutkis
Beyond the Cattails
Collin Porter
Fall colors
Phyllis Nutkis
Allen Welch
You talkin’ to me?
Brian Bewley
Charlie VanderMolen
Charlie VanderMolen
An Elephant Never Forgets
Jen Pen Richards
Green Bay Trail Sunshine
Bella Lenderman-Boury
Monarch Wayside
Debra Kirsch
Furry Little Monarch
Debra Kirsch
Busy Bee
Lily VanderMolen
Yellow All Over
Lily VanderMolen
Praying Mantis
Samantha Davis
A perfect day
Ann Russell
Friends of the GBT at work!
Bill Hague
Heart of the Trail
Ellen Green
Hide and Seek
Ellen Green
Surfing the web
Ellen Green
Pretty In Pink
Samantha Davis
Monarch at work
Tom Levy
Jane Irwin
Morning 5 miler on the GBT
Bill Hague
Green Bay Trail in the Fall
Morning run on the GBT.
Bill Hague
Swallowtail on Coneflower
Ann Reilly
Illuminating Green
Catherine Hensel
Red in a Sea of Green
Catherine Hensel
Erinn Sharov
Green Bay trail sign
Eric Dueno Alda
Love Is … the GBT
David Kopka
Biking in the Morning Rain
Insect on gravel path August 10, 2022
Alan Greenthal
David Kopka
Uncle Buck
David Kopka
Colors surround us
David Kopka
Black and White In Color
David Kopka
Tree lined path
Sarah Rose
Beautiful bike ride
Sarah Rose
August morning view
Sarah Rose
Just beautiful
Megan Gemp
Megan Gemp
We love monarchs!
Megan Gemp
South Avenue View
Andrew Herzog
On the Green Bay Trail, Hallowe’en 2022
Guillemette Johnston
Beside the Green Bay Trail
Guillemette Johnston
October Tapestry
Debbie Weiner
Merry October
Debbie Weiner
Not a bird, not a plane! A COVID mask
Myrnice Ravitch
Burning bush berries in winter
Diana Horvath
Foxtail barley in the sun
Diana Horvath
The autumn is a great time to run in the greenbay trail
Charles Wang
Light Tunnel
Amalie Drury
High Noon
Christopher Dean Hayes
Fall Upon the Trail
Alma Ludwig
Soaking in the Sun
Alma Ludwig
Autumn Afternoon
Carol Strickley
Peeking Autumn Sun
Carol Strickley
Shining Through
Katharine Frey
Flower Dancer
Katharine Frey
Red Thistle
John Berwanger
Looking to the future
Betsy Leibson
Imitating sunshine
Joan Henderson
Joan Henderson
How do we keep this feeling
Sue Fishbein
Friday afternoon
Laura Shindler
Friday afternoon
Laura Shindler
Movement and Color
Tamara Rubio
Fall Perspective
Tamara Rubio
Prairie Smoke
John Berwanger
Quietly Drawn by Trees
Steve Perry
Summer Snowflake
Jennie Soudan
Sue Fishbein
Illuminated tunnel of trees
John Beard
Flowers in fall light
John Beard
sunflowers by the green bay trail
Charles Wang
flower in sunset time
Charles Wang
spa day
izabela r
Marty Mc
izabela r
All yellow on the GBT including the lights on the train tracks!
Bill Hague
Beyond the Cattails
Collin Porter
Fall colors
Phyllis Nutkis
Charlie VanderMolen
Charlie VanderMolen
Green Bay Trail Sunshine
Bella Lenderman-Boury
Heart of the Trail
Ellen Green
Morning 5 miler on the GBT
Bill Hague
Illuminating Green
Catherine Hensel
Red in a Sea of Green
Catherine Hensel
Tree lined path
Sarah Rose
August morning view
Sarah Rose
Just beautiful
Megan Gemp
Bird Friend
Alma Ludwig
Night Grazing
Alma Ludwig
Hopping Along
Katharine Frey
Adventures with Lola
Katharine Frey
Mallard (during a wet Spring)
John Berwanger
Hungry Chipmunk
John Berwanger
Deer along the GB Trail, morning of Trail Day
Bryan Lammers
Miriam Rutz
polar express
izabela r
oh nuts
izabela r
You talkin’ to me?
Brian Bewley
Hide and Seek
Ellen Green
Jane Irwin
Uncle Buck
David Kopka
Pit Stop
Christopher Dean Hayes
Bees Knees
Christopher Dean Hayes
Monarch on the Trail
Alma Ludwig
Pair of monarchs
Alma Ludwig
Serene Beauty
Katharine Frey
Afternoon Bliss
Katharine Frey
Beautiful Bugs
Betsy Leibson
Bee on Bee Balm
John Berwanger
Locust Borer on Ragweed
John Berwanger
Wings of Hope
Jennie Soudan
Thirsty Bee
Jennie Soudan
Sunning in the shade
Leanne Atwell
Endangered species
Everett Stambor
bee o’clock
izabela r
charlotte’s rainy day
izabela r
Praying Mantes in action (hubba hubba)
Ann Reilly
a fiery skipper on a maximilian sunflower on the Green Bay trail
Josh Graff
Allen Welch
Monarch Wayside
Debra Kirsch
Furry Little Monarch
Debra Kirsch
Busy Bee
Lily VanderMolen
Yellow All Over
Lily VanderMolen
Praying Mantis
Samantha Davis
Surfing the web
Ellen Green
Pretty In Pink
Samantha Davis
Monarch at work
Tom Levy
Swallowtail on Coneflower
Ann Reilly
Erinn Sharov
Insect on gravel path August 10, 2022
Alan Greenthal
Colors surround us
David Kopka
Black and White In Color
David Kopka
Megan Gemp
We love monarchs!
Megan Gemp
Family Moment on the Trail
Debbie Weiner
Blazing Down the Trail
Debbie Weiner
View through a Spider web
Myrnice Ravitch
A walk on the path.
Mark Spoerl
New Discoveries
Eliana Hayes
Glencoe Windmill
Damian Olesnycky
Sunsets on the Trail
Alma Ludwig
Puddle Jumper
Alma Ludwig
Kid on a hike
Christopher Dean Hayes
Christopher Dean Hayes
Autumn Making a Spectacle!
Carol Strickley
Autumn Canopy
Carol Strickley
Night Train
Katharine Frey
Twilight Magic
Katharine Frey
Cyclist at Pine St.
John Berwanger
He’s still at it!
Betsy Leibson
Lovely touch
Joan Henderson
Mom and Daughter ride
Suzi Wahl
Trailside Terror
Suzanne Wahl
Sunrise Trail
Jennie Soudan
Sue Fishbein
wonderful time in the trail
Charles Wang
hair of the dog
izabela r
losing track of time
izabela r
Eileen Hutchinson
Photo frame
Phyllis Nutkis
An Elephant Never Forgets
Jen Pen Richards
A perfect day
Ann Russell
Friends of the GBT at work!
Bill Hague
Green Bay Trail in the Fall
Morning run on the GBT.
Bill Hague
Green Bay trail sign
Eric Dueno Alda
Love Is … the GBT
David Kopka
Biking in the Morning Rain
David Kopka
Beautiful bike ride
Sarah Rose
South Avenue View
Andrew Herzog